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Attunement – A Way of Life

By Andrew Shier


From the Forward: “…This book is written from a personal perspective. Although there are some chapters that share ideas about certain Attunement techniques, the main thrust of this book is to convey what it means to live and work from the place of stillness and peace. From this place springs all of creation, including all that is health and healing. As with the practice of Attunement, these words are not trying to change or fix anything or anyone. It is my hope that these words will be meaningful to those who read them and be a reminder of the sacred place that dwells within. That is the primary spirit of this unfolding testament to the beauty and power of Attunement.”

Cost:  $25, includes shipping – contact Andrew


Comments from readers: 

“Your book is an honest gem, and its inimitable focus conveys very well the quality of the attunement you offer into the world. Its focus is beyond outer definitions. This is in itself a blessed lesson to anyone seeking to offer Attunement.”   AH 

“I feel it is the elevation of an era, made relevant as a gift in this time. The way it ‘feels’ is so congruent with the message. It is one of those markers that is hard to measure in terms of value, but you just know it in your heart and bones. I am so glad that you have been through what it took in yourself and in your life to set the blessing of attunement free in this world.”   BC 

“I just finished reading your – and Peri’s – book. I think you do an excellent job of dealing with an ineffable topic. Most important, your own wonderful person comes thru in a real and authentic way.”   AC 

It is wonderful, beautifully constructed, an almost perfect book to me…I’ve been reading a chapter or two each day savoring it. Taking it in small bites was right for me, not so much because it is difficult material but to appreciate and digest each piece. I love the short chapters for that reason.”   PM 

I loved everything about it: the content, the writing style, the essence of your heart, and the passion with which you are so beautifully fulfilling your purpose and manifesting your vision that emanates from every page.”   JH 

“I love the way that you put your heart right out there and wrote of Attunement with such depth of feeling. You spoke (since you talked the book to Peri) so eloquently yet with great tenderness. A wonderful and valued addition to my library.”   CK

Interview with Andrew 

Andrew discusses AttunementApril 20, 2023
00:00 / 50:42
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